Qula ActionTrail

'the hunt', An spanending cat-and-mouse game in the city of your choice

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number of players: 6
Not mandatory, but it is nice if we can reach each other if there is something.

The Hunt, a cat and mouse game!

'the hunt' is especially popular as a company outing. It is a game for people who like action and strategy.

At the game 'the hunt' the participants are divided into groups. One group are criminals who have escaped from prison. The other participants (bounty hunters) must try to catch the criminals and prevent them from committing crimes.

The escaped criminals get a head start, after which the bounty hunters pursue them. The criminals wear a transmitter that sends a GPS signal to the bounty hunters.

The criminals must stay out of the hands of the bounty hunters, but they must also commit crimes. When they commit a crime, an alarm goes off on the bounty hunters' phones with the location of criminals. The cat and mouse game 'the hunt' begins!

'We played this game with our accountancy firm Haarlem. A spaexciting and addictive game! We were really sorry to have to stop playing. It's a combination of strategy and action, fun!'

players have played 'The Hunt' and they gave this game an average of 8,4

Suitable for whom?
'the hunt' is a game for people who like some action and strategy. 

How long and how many people?
You decide the length of the game yourself. But the standard game lasts 2 x 45 minutes with a break. This game is  ideal for groups of 6 to 80 people.

Looking for something more relaxing than 'the Hunt'?
Then consider a:
● City Trail (scavenger hunt for groups)
● Pub Trail (kind of bar)gentmorning)
● Crazy Trail (totathe craziness)

Can I buy this game at the last minute and start playing right away?
No, we need about 4 hours to set up the game.

How does the purchase work?
On this page you can 'the hunt' to order. You will receive a confirmation from us. We then need about 4 hours to set up the game.

I think 'de Jacht' is a bit expensive, how is this possible?
Qula must rent (expensive) game software for each participant. You can also say that you play and have fun together for about 2 hours. Then the price is not too bad.

Is this game also offered on discount websites?
'the hunt' is occasionally against a promotional price Social Deal available.

What is the difference with 'Hunting season' from NPO and VTM and 'de Jacht' from Qula?
In short, 'Hunting Season' is all about only to find fellow players. In our game you also have to try to find fellow players, but there are additional game elements and fun assignments. Points can be earned with these assignments and a winner will be selected. So, you not only have to search, but you also do assignments.

Who is 'de Jacht' suitable for?
'The Hunt' is a game for people who like fun, cooperation, action and strategy. 

How long does the game last and for how many people is it suitable?
'de Jacht' takes about 2 hours and is ideal for groups of 6 to 80 people.

Is there anyone Qula present during the game?
This is possible and costs €150 excluding VAT extra. But this is not necessary. You will receive one before you leave DEMOgame and a manual. It's never happened that anyone doesn't understand the game.

Our game 'the hunt' can be played in any town or city.

For large groups (from about 25 persons) a discount is possible. Please contact us for this.

Do you have an urgent question? Fill in the form below and choose 'as soon as possible, it is very urgent!'. Then we will contact you immediately. In addition, an employee is often available on our website to chat or 'Whatsapp'. You can also call us, but we only make our telephone number available after contact has been made via chat, Whataspp or e-mail.

Do you have a less pressing question? Please send an email. These are our email addresses:

  • info@qula.info (general questions)
  • reservation@qula.info (about your booking)
  • administration@qula.info (about moneyzaken)
  • marketing@qula.info (about sales channels)
  • managing board@qula.info (about cooperation with us)

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